Delivery room of the future
Delivery room of the future
Delivery room of the future
Delivery room of the future
Delivery room of the future
Delivery room of the future

At Hospital Unit West in Herning, I worked with midwives and researchers in exploring how video, light, and sound can  create a more personal atmosphere for a future delivery room. It is the hypothesis that by removing stress, oxytocin production is increased and the natural birth process is promoted, reducing the amount of medication, surgery, hospital returns, while creating a better overall patient satisfaction for the new family.

Furthermore will the increased Oxycontin production reduces the number of birth stop, epidural blockades and decrease the amount of lobby stimulating drops and the remote control will empower the father to take a new and more active role in the forming of the new family. We are currently researching how the new delivery room affect patients and staff at Herning Birth Center, and a randomized clinical study involving 600 births has been concluded in February 2018.

We can craft the atmosphare in hospital environments where patientes, relatives and personale meets at eye level !

We can use possitive distractions to make people experience lover pain.

Selected links prom the press

Full description of the project – Link
DR News, Danish National television – Link
Modos presentation video – Link
Gynzone description of the Future Delivery room in Herning – Link

Selected quotes

I can be a better midwife and a better person in the new delivery room. Marianne, a midwife

Experts in delivery room design have determined that it is important for the woman’s sense of security that she can selectively choose projections and lighting, which she associates with relaxation and positive experiences so as not to provoke her senses. Ellen Aagaard Nøhr, Professor and midwife, University of Southern Denmark

The delivery room combines two emotions: the feeling of home equity and the feeling of being in nature. We are exploring the effects of multi-sensory stimulation in relation to health-promoting architecture.Henriette Svenstrup, Quality and Innovation, Herning

At least for my part, things had gone absolutely perfectly. We committed ourselves to one and a half or two hours in the delivery room, during which time my girlfriend gave birth. We enjoyed how the light would dim, and then the waves in the mood would slowly come rolling in. It was absolutely fantastic. Jesper, a father


The project is published in:

2018 Design of Genuine Birth Environment: Midwives Intuitively Think in Terms of Evidence-Based Design Thinking, by Folmer MB., Jangaard K., Buhl H. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal 2018

2017 Fremtidens sengestuer fødes i Herning, Danske Regioner, Poul Høegh Østergaard, 2017

2017 Rumstyring der kan mærkes, Esben Bala Skouboe, Medico Teknik nr. 1,

2015 Fødestuen, der får oxytocinet til at flyde, Jordemoderforeningen, Karin Jangaard jordemoder. nr. 6

2015 Den foranderlige fødestue, Karin Jangaard, Dansk Sundhedsvæsen Nr. 4,

2015 Fremtidens Fødestue, Esben Bala Skouboe, Lys nr. 2,

2015 A Space of Possibilities: The importance of birth unit design, Athena Hammond, Australian Midwifery News,


Delivery room of the future

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