Esben Bala Skouboe

MSc.Eng. Architecture & Design, Digital Design. Ph.D. & Entrepreneur
Passionate Designer, Architect & Researcher.

Director of Studio Poesis & independent designer.

Birth: 08.01.1981

Short biography

Esben Bala Skouboe is an educated Civil engineer in Digital Design, from the Institute for Architecture, Design & Media Technology at Aalborg University, Denmark. Esben has a PhD. in Responsive Public Lighting, and his work is characterized by an idealistic uncompromising aesthetic and poetic dimension to form and light design.

Esben has investigated various theoretical and practical domains, such as interactive art for healthcare design, computational design, responsive lighting, digital fabrication, and sustainable design. Esben’s work is often positioned on the edge of existing disciplines. His work often mediates interdisciplinary collaborations between scientists, philosophers, musicians, artists, filmmakers, and visual artists to craft new mediated poetic artworks or designs. Esiben is also a trained speaker who enjoys teaching design workshops on an academic level or together with curious teams from hospitals.

Esben is the author of more than +20 peer-reviewed publications and the artistic leader of art exhibitions showcased in international journals and conferences. His work has been displayed at the Architectural Biennale in Venice as in public spaces. Esben has received awards for best architectural practice from the Pachness Foundation for his curiosity and contribution to the development of the field of contemporary architecture. And more than +15 art grants.


  • Assistent professor, Institut for Architecture, Design & Medieteknology, Aalborg University
  • Visiting researcher at RMIT Melbourne, Australia
  • PhD. Responsive Public Lighting, Institut for Architecture, Design og Medieteknology, Aalborg University
  • Master Digital Design, Institute for Architecture & Design, Aalborg University

Selected publications

+20 peer-reviewed articles in international journals, books, and conferences. more

Selected Projects

  • Head of innovationoproject Arts in Health Biennale 2025, et forprojekt, Regin Midt
  • Participation in exhibition: Fremtidens Rum og Væren på Udstillingsbygningen i Vrå.
    Interactive artworks and rituals for 1 delivery room, specially designed to families with stillborn children, AUH.
  • Interactive artworks for 8 delivery rooms, at Regionshositalet Gødstrup, Art director of the work:
  • Nordjyske stemninger, at the 4 delivery rooms, at The Northern Hospital in Hjørring.
  • Beeotopia, Part of ‘Space Crazy’ exhibition at the Utzon Center, with Support from the Danish Art Foundation
  • “The Future Birth Room” at Hospitalsenheden Vest.
  • PhD. Responsive Public Lighting, Department of Architecture and Design, AAU
  • Visiting Researcher at SIAL at RMIT in Melbourne, ref. Jane Burry
  • Media Architectural Growth at Media Biennale 2014, Denmark
  • Perceptual Ecologies KLIK, Aalborg Town hall, Musik idé, DK.
  • Perceptual Ecologies SYMPHONY, Platform 4, Musik idé, DK.
  • Perceptual Ecologies MINE, Thingbæk Limestone Mine, PORT2010.
  • Winner of the project: Nora, a pavilion for the National Gastronomy Team, built, displayed, and published as part of the 10th Architecture Biennale in Venice

Awards and grants 

+15 art grants from Danish Art Foundation and other art foundations

  • Vinder af Health-tech challenge-prisen, Creative Business Cup
  • Pachness Foundation, Best architectural practice
  • Aalborg City Council, “kulturel højde springer” most international active artist
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