When we know how people are using space, then how can we make space adapt in more social, beautiful and sustainable way?
Sustainable can be fun beautifull and social at the same time, as long we design the “intelligence” of the control with care and creativity!
My research PhD. research showed, that we can lower the energy consumtion with 90% and make more participatory, playful andpopular city lighting!
The experiments introduced a series of different responsive light designs and based on observations and data paps, we could conclude that people was seriously affected by the different lighting scenarios. During the adaptive lighting scenario we observed that people did catwalks, danced, running in patterns changing the color of the light from red to white. We could further observe how people walked their dog in zig zag patterns and how people using the mobile phone as a remote control to the city lighting. Based on interviews and observations we can conclude that these interaction patterns are building a new mobile culture and we can see that these new interaction types strengthen the feeling of ownership. We could also se how people changed directions due the the behavior of the lighting and that over 90% of the people asked exhibited positive valued verbs when presented to wind sensitive responsive public lighting.
The work is published at international conferences and journals:
2014 Gade, R., Moeslund T.B., Nielsen S.Z.· Petersen H.S., Andersen H.J. Basselbjerg K., Dam H.T. Jensen O.B., Jørgensen A., Lahrmann H., Madsen TKO. Poulsen E.S., Povey B.Ø., Tsesmelis T.(2014) Thermal Imaging Systems for Real-Time Applications in Smart Cities Journal of Real‐Time Image Processing: Special Issue on Real‐Time Computer Vision in Smart Cities, Springer
2013 Skouboe E.B. Morrison A., Andersen H.J. Jensen O.B. (2013) Responsive Lighting: “The city becomes alive”, ACM HCI Conference, Münich
2013 Poulsen E.S., Andersen H.J. & Jensen O.B. (2013) Responsive City Lighting: Perspectives From Architecture & the Public Lighting Industry, Workshop paper at CHI2013 Paris: Interactive City Lighting workshop; Paris
2012 Poulsen E.S., Andersen H.J., Jensen O.B., Gade R., Thyrrestrup T. & Moeslund T.B.; (2012) Controlling Urban Lighting by Human Motion Patterns results from a full Scale Experiment. ACM Multimedia 2012 . 20. udg. Nara, 2012. s. 339.
2012 Poulsen, E.S., Andersen H.J. & Jensen, O.B. Workshop on Designing Interactive Lighting. (2012) Full Scale Experiment with Interactive Urban Lighting. DIS: Designing Interactive Systems.
2012 Poulsen E.S. & Andersen H.J.(2012) Reactive Light Design in the ‘laboratory of the street’, Synthetic Digital Ecologies, ACADIA 2012. Vol. 32 1. udg. 2012, 2012. s. 333-342.
2012 Poulsen E.S. Andersen H.J., Gade R. ; Jensen O., Moeslund, T.B. (2012) Using Human Motion Intensity as Input for Urban Design. Constructing Ambient Intelligence. Vol. 277 Amsterdam :Springer. (Communications in Computer and Information Science).
2012 Poulsen E.S., Andersen H.J., Jensen O.B. & Jensen MB. (2012) A case study of Mediated Urban Architecture: Red Pavilion 2010; Urban Design Book. Aalborg Press, Denmark
2012 Poulsen E.S.(2012) Eksperiment i tilpasningsdygtig pladsbelysning. in Journal: Lys. 2012. s. 18- 19.
2012 Poulsen E.S. (2012) Responsive Urban Lighting. in Media Architecture Biennale Exhibition catalogue. red. Gernot Tscherteu; Morten Constantin Lervig; Martin Brynskov. Media Architecture Institute, Sydney, Vienna, Århus.
Responsive Urban Lighting
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- Lighting
- Research
Delivery room of the future
Responsive shop window
Media Architectural Growth
Perceptial Ecologies: Klik.
Acoustic Environment
Danzer light
Responsive Urban Lighting
Perceptual Ecologies: Symphony
Environmental Response
Perceptual Ecologies: Mine
Red Pavilion